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A good morning routine helps set the tone for the day.

Routines add stability, and they can lead to some amazing benefits. Routines can help boost happiness, increase productivity and help to reduce stress levels throughout the day. They also enable you set an intention for the day, allowing you to be mindful in your thoughts as you work through your morning steps vs. hurried and only thinking about getting out the door.

Why is that important? When you set an intention, is provides a stronger sense of guidance, control and direction in your day.

Quick take: Walking up groggy and grumpy, can not only affect your day, but everyone around you.

Here are our tips for starting out your day with positive intention and productivity:

Before You Start: Go to Bed Already!

Seriously, it’s time for bed. The biggest thing that consistently affects restfulness and mornings in the modern age is not going to sleep on time.

Scrolling on social media, checking your email, watching that one last video — all of these activities work against your body’s ability to get to sleep quickly and experience better sleep. We suggest first setting a bedtime, then sticking to it. Try putting your phone on a far away nightstand, dresser, or side table. Instead, pick up a book for light reading before bed if you want to wind down!

Step 1: Wake Up on Time

There is nothing more cozy than snoozing your alarm and stay in bed, but it can add so unnecessary pressure and stress, especially if you have to get to work at a specific time. First things first: set a wake up time and stick to it!

Tip: Rolling alarms can often seem like a good idea (6:30, 6:45, 7), but be aware of your behavior — does that rolling alarm just enable you to snooze a bit more at the expense of a good start? If you tend to hit snooze multiple times, try setting your alarm and leaving it on the other side of the room, so you have to get out of bed in the morning.

Step 2: Set Your Intention

Keep a journal on your bedside table. Before you get out of bed, collect yourself and work through your energy; this is a time to sit in silence and plan for your day.

The Five Minute Journal is a great way to kick start your day. It gives prompts of what to write and shows you how to fill it out. In the morning it asks, “I am grateful for….”, or “What would make today great?”, a useful and inspiring daily affirmations. These prompts help set the focus for today and fill you with positivity before you even get out of bed.

Without a prompt, simply think about what you’d like to do today. Give yourself categories and express your intention. I will complete that work project. I will try that new cake recipe. I will finally finish folding those clothes. 

Step 3: Add Some More Steps

Here’s where it can get fun! At this point, it’s time to really build the energy in your body. How so? You decide.

A morning routine can be a few different things: it can mean a great skin care routine (always wear SPF!), a physical warm up (yoga? jog? squats?), or even sitting down with a cup of Chai Awakening, some breakfast, and a bit of reading. A routine helps set the tone for the day and it better allows us to control our own schedule, rather than our schedule controlling us. It gives us a chance to focus on what’s in front of you rather than what’s ahead of us.

Step 4: Don’t Be Hard on Yourself

Routines are important, but the most important thing about setting an intention is to be graceful with yourself throughout the day. One of the biggest sources of anxiety and frustration comes from getting in the way of yourself. Finding your rhythm and learning along the way is a natural part of being, so don’t stress yourself out. Everything works out in the end, and if it hasn’t worked out yet, it’s not the end.

A Good Morning Routine

With a few steps, setting yourself up with a good morning routine can add energy and focus to your day. How will you start tomorrow?

Ambassador of Teas, CEO

Jesse Richardson is the co-founder of The Brothers Apothecary. He's an avid tea drinker and the primary creator behind The Brothers' products. An undergraduate of UCLA for Political Science, Jesse currently studies Medicinal Plants at Cornell University and The International School of Herbal Arts & Sciences.

Meet the Brothers.

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